Brand Strategy & Campaign

The Unstoppable Racer

( 2 min read )


Sweet Protection
The Unstoppable Racer



of creativity spins on its axis at ever-greater


. There seems to be an insatiable appetite for consumption of










… which leaves the ongoing question for brands: do you


Or do you take a step back, out of the



Perhaps the answer is: a bit of both. First you take a step back to ensure you have something of value to add to the ‘conversation’...which in turn allows you to race ahead in your own unique style.

Sweet Protection

is an unstoppable force in the field of protective-wear. Born from the drive to live to play another day out in the delicious air of mountain terrains, they create world-class gear for skiers, canoeists and bikers. Their mission is to stay out there on the powdery slopes, the winding paths, the wild rivers. At one with the elements, squeezing out every last drop of daylight and stretching it to the max.
No other brand has been able to catch up with their relentlessly category-leading innovation.  And they’re a strong competitor in the style-creds too. Our job was to set up a structure for exquisite internal brand definition, to help them keep their competitive lead by making sure the world knew about it.

So we took a step back and clarified an energising brand strategy, out of all the existing brand ingredients (including their niche-defining edge within their competitive landscape; the brand pillars, tone and languaging and the brand visual direction and strong creative identity). Once we’d honed the positioning, we could then design and execute a winning product campaign, descended from the brand’s unique edge: as an unstoppable racing helmet for an unstoppable brand, the Volata was the first of many wins to come.

No More Parachutes

Creative Direction | Strategy | Design


© No More Parachutes 2024