Our Manifesto

No More Parachutes.
Not just a quirky name by the way.

It’s our way to remind ourselves daily of a pertinent point of view on life.

If you don’t cut loose from the known, you’ll never know.

Never know how to fall.
Never know how to fly.

Baby birds get this.
Fashion designers.
The ones who soar.

Because, once you’ve got this independence thing under the wing, you can really start doing things.

You’re free to manoeuvre.
Flap-flap, clap-clap.

You can do big agency work, but not at the expense of small agency nimbleness.

You can provoke and poke communities to amplify the power of your ideas.

You can catalyse ideas to evolve and build their own momentum.

All of this built on an enduring foundation of incisive business-savviness.

Because we’re convinced that without impact or meaningful change, there’s no point in putting more stuff out into the world.

This is us.
No strings attached.

Up there.
Yet grounded by our continuous curiosity.