Winner Stays

Nike Football Event
(1 min read)

The atmosphere was electric, you could say even LED, like the pitch we had installed. An interactive screen with which we could trigger real time graphic assets from a visual bank related to events as they unfolded, like “on fire” as players scored. 
The screen was an immersive touch that added to the fevered frenzy of the event. But we added a twist. The thing that really upped the ante was the fact that we had no barriers separating the crowd from the pitch.

It turns out that danger, the simple prospect of receiving a ball to the face was welcomed with open arms (faces?), and really the thing that made this event so intense. Erasing this boundary, was the final touch that really plugged the spectators’ synapses and senses directly into the mainframe of the game. 
Taking risks, we know very well, is something that pays off beautifully. Heck, we even named our agency in honour of risk taking. No More Parachutes. Because if you don’t cut loose from the known, you’ll never know. Never know how to fall. Never know how to fly.

Creative Direction  Design Direction 

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